Saturday, February 27,2016

These last 6 weeks haven’t been the best, I’ve been gradually feeling worse each day, swelling in my joints, pain pretty much everywhere, headaches and fatigue. I have been doing home care and glyoxal butt shots at least 3 times a week to keep me going which have helped but aren’t fixing the issues which are happening  under the surface and activating the Lyme and Lupus symptoms.

With the fatigue getting significantly worse with each day, I’ve decided to start getting treatments 1-2 times a week, depending on finances. The only bad thing about the treatments is although they are my only viable option for successful treatment, it is not covered by insurance so all the treatments are out of pocket and not cheap. The doctor and my plan as of now is to get 1-2 IVs a week, mostly autoheme and Vitamin C with a B12 injection, glyoxal (butt shots), colonics and lymphatic and see if that gets me where I need to be. 

I have also continued drinking Kombucha and taking probiotics to help keep my gut healthy and that is helping some. Starting this week I am also off of prednisone entirely which is the one goal I’ve been praying to obtain for 18 months. This is also causing my thyroid to go out of whack as well as contributing to some of the pain and swelling. That medicine is the devil and the pain of being off of it is better than the side effects of being on it so I will deal with the discomfort any way I can. 

Yesterday I received an autoheme/blood ozone IV which are extremely exhausting as 200 cc’s of blood are taken from my body then reintroduced once ozone and oxygen are added. Another IV is then administered containing hydrogen peroxide. 

I was very tired last night and when we got home from Reno I had terrible pain in my legs  and I was unable to walk into the house without them giving way. I’m feeling better today, still very weak and tired. 

This has always been and will continue to be a very long and painful process. But I remind myself each time that it’s worth it and with as bad as things get or seem, they always get better. Eternal optimist I guess…

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